Last Friday Troy treated us to an amazing show at the Orpheum: Sarah McLachlan with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra! It was probably one of the most incredible performances I have ever seen- I have to say, a couple of songs brought me to tears and I pretty much had goosebumps the entire time. Troy could not stop smiling :) It was such a great experience! Thanks (again) Troy.

A quick shot of Don Julio at Uva... Pre-Show dinner
(PS- UVA Restaurant on Seymour and Smith... AH.MAZING! Go there!)
VSO- Getting ready

View from our seats

Sarah! We had tickets to the VIP after party and were pretty amazed when Sarah M. walked in! We were soooo close to meeting her, but then got pushed around and basically panicked. Instead we had the privilege of watching her interact with the fans from a couple of feet away- it was so cool!

Does this count as a picture of me with Sarah??

We ate A LOT and then snuck out the back door...

And ended the night in the park across the street from our apartment... I nailed "Owling" and we got a great shot of Cheeks in his skinny jeans ;)