It was only a year ago around this time that Carly was giving birth to baby Jack... He has grown so much in the last 12 months and I have been lucky enough to see him 2 weekends in a row. Last Saturday we celebrated his birthday at Carly and Steve's house in Surrey (??... Cloverdale??) and today we spent some time with him at the Vancouver Aquarium. Despite being on no sleep, our little Jacko had a great time... Hates the parrots though. Not a fan of those squawkers.

Very stylish bear hat.

Jack loveeeeeees to eat!

Baby and Mom opening gifts...

...I think Carls was more excited for all the new toys she was going to get to play with.

Carly's Sister-in-law made these creative cupcakes.

Coffee in hand... Tina is ready for the aquarium!

Jack and Bre