We Eat
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Dear Carly:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Yoga: Maui Style
Arrived in Maui on Saturday night and had yesterday to unwind, connect with the girls and get ready for a busy week. Unfortunately part of my "unwinding" also included a run which left me with a sprained ankle... I currently have a swollen foot, and am walking with a little bit of a limp, but am feeling ok, and getting better.
Yoga began this morning at 630AM, but I think most of us were awake long before- so excited for everyone to have arrived and ready go! Being hurt and not being able to do some of the postures was a good lesson for me on this first day... Makes me realize how lucky I am to have a body that works.
We have another three hour session ahead of us tonight, and an early morning tomorrow.... life is good.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Lessons from the bank:
****This is my goodbye note to people at work... love them****
To YOU!!!!
My lovely CSRs... My Co-Workers...My family at work... My friends.
My lovely CSRs... My Co-Workers...My family at work... My friends.
So impossible for me to really let you all know how much I will miss you all as I embark on this new chapter in my life. I have worked with many of you since I started at Commerce Place 3 years ago, and I have to say that in this role, in this branch and with YOU people I have learned so much not only about banking, but also about myself.
It is crazy for me to think about all the things that have gone on in my life since starting here and how everything has transpired to lead me to this moment.
But here I am. And honestly, you guys have been beside me the whole way along. I appreciate all the support and love you give to me on a daily basis- working with each of you has taught me so much. It really hasn't been until now that I have taken a moment to think about all that I have gained through being here...
Here I have learned how to follow through. How to speak to people. How to make a bad situation good and how to be confident in the words I speak. I have learned how to pay attention to detail. How to rise above confrontation. How to support my peers, and how to let my peers support me.
I have learned that it is ok to say "no". That it is ok to be a strong and assertive woman. And that it is ok to be unapologetic when standing up for the things I believe in. But I have also learned that bending the rules is always possible. And saying "yes" feels good. I have learned that softening your approach to anything will 99% of the time make your life easier and more positive.
I have seen the benefit in believing that people are good, and that all any of us really want is to be heard. So simple.
I guess my wish for you is to see the quality you all bring to this place we call "work"... and know that the "showing up"- the getting here, the signing on to your computer every morning and taking that first customer. That, my friends, is half the battle. Once you are here you might as well be great. Use your day to be productive- Show up physically. Show up mentally. Show up energetically.
You are all incredible people and co-workers and friends. I am lucky to have spent time with each of you, and believe me when I say you have all taught me something intensely valuable about myself.
I miss you already Brett, Nav, Carrie, Amanda, Teresa, Jenny, Gary, Kira, Ximena, Nita, Sepi, Janet, Joan, Justin, Leona, Robert, Frida, Amandeep, Tracey, Pam, Marta, Jinous, Krista and everyone else... Much love and success in your future.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Letting Go
This morning I came across Bindu Wiles's "Shed Project" - a challenge to get rid of all the extra stuff in your life... possessions, weight, unhealthy relationships, emotional baggage, etc... that do not serve you. Interesting that I come across this idea at this moment...In one week I am leaving Vancouver for an extended holiday of yoga, surfing, beach, sun and travel. I feel like in some ways I have quit my life here. When I come back I will get a chance to start fresh. Without all the stuff.
My apartment is empty and I am currently taking up some space in Troy's apartment... My desk at work is empty and I will soon be using a random computer for my last couple of days at CIBC... My agenda pages, ink usually jumping from them, are now white, as my plans for the next while are unknown.
I love the idea of getting rid of stuff... whether it be to make room for something new, or just to carry less. It is liberating, and cathartic, and terrifying all at once.
What can you shed from your life?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Ironman 2010
This weekend I had the privilege of watching Troy and two of his best friends, Jon and Greg, complete the Ironman Triathlon in Penticton. A 3.8km swim, 180 km bike and 42.2 km run is the groundwork for this race, and being a part of this moment for these guys, who have spent just under one year training was most definitely a humbling and remarkable experience.
The morning began at 4:30am with a half eaten breakfast and much anticipation for the 7:00 race start. Monica and I dropped off Troy and Greg and made our way to the first of many lines we would encounter that day... Starbucks was about 50 deep, and a Venti Americano was in serious order.
We set a game plan and found our first lookout over Okanagan Lake- which at this point was literally a sea of black wetsuits. Unable to actually locate our guys, all we could do was send out the positive vibes... and Ironman 2010 began.
We set a game plan and found our first lookout over Okanagan Lake- which at this point was literally a sea of black wetsuits. Unable to actually locate our guys, all we could do was send out the positive vibes... and Ironman 2010 began.
Me and Monica... early....
Watching the athletes move from the bike to run was probably my favourite part. It was during these moments where we as fans became a part of the race. As we called each athlete's name and cheered them on it was evident in some cases that we were bringing these people back to their intention for the day- allowing them to run a little lighter despite being tired or overwhelmed by what they had already accomplished. It was amazing and inspiring to see the diversity of the people all completing this same event and the way their faces would change upon hearing the sincere encouragement being shouted by complete strangers standing on the side of the road. We were a sea of adoration to each and every participant.
But I have to say that everyone else disappeared when Troy crossed the finish line at 11 hours and 51 minutes. Those countless weekends spent riding to Squamish, swimming lengths at Kits pool, and running a 1/2 marathon what seemed to be every third day, all added up to this one moment. He did it.
Not only was I so proud of him, I was also completely convinced that we are all capable of whatever we set our mind to. And if this race teaches anything, it is that. It really does, in my opinion, take a lot to look at a feat like Ironman and think, “yeah, I can crush that”… but that is exactly the key. And even though I have heard Troy tell everyone, from myself to his Mom, that we could do this race too, it wasn’t until I witnessed it, that I realized that the human spirit is a lot stronger than the human body… and if you’ve got that on your side, there is literally nothing you cannot triumph over. Congratulations Troy, Jon and Greg!!! You guys KILLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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