When I booked my trip to New York a couple of months ago, I knew that I was in for a crazy ride, but nothing could have really prepared me for the intensity of maybe one of the most famous cities in the world: NYC. So much about the energy and buzz of this city makes you feel like you're in another world- and you haven't even left Manhattan.
You can skip the niceties and leave the "Canadian" in you at the airport- it won't help you here, where even the Starbucks baristas look down on you and bluntly ask, "Whatch'you havin'?!" before you've even had a chance to say hello. God help you if you need a minute to think about it... But all that supposed rudeness and seemingly hard image actually doesn't matter. We only witnessed one street fight, and had the pleasure of chatting with a number of locals all willing to point us to the best spots in the city. Oh yeah, and the shopping was out of control! Too much to take in. Literally.
Here are a few pictures from various points in the trip... More to follow :)

Greenwich Village... Or "The Village" if you're a true New Yorka!

Possibly the only bar showing the Canucks play Chicago Game 6. Needless to say it was full of some very excited Vancouverites.
This is Meredith, Me and Bre.

Dinner at Ruby Foos... YUMM!

Riding the Subway from Greenwich to Ground Zero... Very different than the old Canada Line.

Flat Iron Building

Times Square... In. Sane.

Empire State... never made it to the top. Next trip.

Dinner and Lemon Drop shots at the Stanton Social

This is what we saw stepping out of our hotel... complete mayhem at all times!