This Christmas Troy and I split our time between Langley and Prince George, with Christmas Eve at the Pecknold/Bodkin residence and an early morning flight to PG on the 25th to see the Daltons.
I have to say, it was a little weird for me to be away from home on Christmas for the first time in 27 years... It's amazing how attached we are to routine and tradition. I think our whole family was slightly thrown off by having both Charlotte and myself away, but we made it work as you always do when it comes to change.
Lucky for me Troy has an amazing family and it felt great to spend some relaxing days days with Ricci, Doug and Jody, as well as get to meet his other sister Jenn and her boyfriend Bree for the first time.

Mom's tree in Langley decked out with Char's cards from Korea. Mom was instructed to place these cards in the tree- My sister is nothing if not particular ;)

Carly, pregnant with twin girls and looking soooo good! Baby Jack-cute as always.
Bre and Justin... Still no word on a wedding date, but obviously happily engaged.

Troy as the Angel on our Christmas tree... I mean!?!?

Since I wasn't going to be there on Christmas morning I got to open my gifts on the 24th... I am just debating what parcel to go with :)

Late's turkey on the bbq
June Bug in her new boots and dress- gorgeous!

Jody, Jenn and Troy

Me and Troy in PG

Doug and Ricci trying to get a family shot with West... She wasn't really responding (may have been rebelling against those antlers...)

Christmas Dinner was sooooo good! Great shot by Troy!

Troy shut it down about 5 minutes after this picture was taken... woke up the next morning.

Jody making special coffees! Got us revved up for Pictionary, but couldn't save Troy.
Boxing Day Tour De PG in the BUG!

On our way to an evening sleigh ride- it was COLD...

Followed by a fondu dinner... Yum!

Merry Christmas!