Sunday, November 18, 2012

New York Day 1

Hurricane Sandy really put a wrench in our plans to run the NY City Marathon this year... however, given that many people were without power and water for a number of days, as well as dealing with destroyed homes, neighbourhoods and injured loved ones, all of us from the GWA "wolf-pack" completely understood why it was cancelled. 
The sentiment of the trip changed slightly without that 42.2 km lurking in front of us, and the whole group had a fantastic time! It was especially nice hanging out with Troy's parents for a few days- those 2 really lit New York up! 

On our first night Troy, Doug, Ricci and I went to an amazing italian restaurant. Fabio the chef took one look at each of us and proceeded to decide our meal for us- it was really yummy! 

Fabio- what a guy! 

Doug and Ricci with their morning juice... I might have forced this first one, but they were both all over the juicing by the end of the trip. 

First time seeing Times Square

View of the Empire State building from 30 Rockefeller Plaza

Top of the Rock! 

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