Thursday, December 27, 2012

...the many parties of Christmas

As we all know, Christmas is the time of year where you don't have to feel bad about going out nearly every night of the week... Aside from work parties and Christmas coffee dates, Troy and I made the rounds of Vancouver with a couple of Harling Pours with Pete and friends, some yule-tide Patron at Greg and Mon's party, and nothing but the best merlot at Jon and Laura's open house. 

Peter and Elias 
Elias and Troy
Troy and Jumbo! 


Matt and Shaina 

Ashley and Alsy 
Hostess and Moi

Troy and Greg cuddling in the corner #howcute 
Me and Shaina

Troy at the end of the night...

"Throw this on the internet for the fans" 
The Kilians at Fable for Brunch 

Laura, Pam and Perry Bula 



Jon and Julie

Pam and Ben
Me and Ricci 

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